China Honors 1,000 'Most Beautiful Families'
Time: 2020/12/16 11:16     Author :  
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Monday honored 1,000 families as the "most beautiful families" of 2018.

The families were voted by the public. They were honored for traits such as filial piety and benevolence, transforming outdated customs and upholding the new, diligence and integrity, or excellent parenting styles, according to the ACWF.

"Building up good families and upholding good family values will buttress the good values of the whole society," said ACWF Vice President .

"Honoring these beautiful families will also help motivate the pursuit of virtues in people's hearts and associate the love for family with love for the country," Song said.

The annual event was initiated by the ACWF in 2014. The honoring ceremony came a day before the International Day of Families, which falls Tuesday.

(Source: Xinhua)

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